Call for the election of the 2nd Serbski Sejm (732.3 KiB)
Draft of the state treaty (461.7 KiB)
Educational concept (98.0 KiB)
Chronology of the Serbski Sejm (106.8 KiB)
Declaration of the Sorbian/Wendish People Concerning Their Indigeneity, 2021 (46.8 KiB)
Points Programme of the Serbski Sejm for the democratic self-determination of the Sorbian/Wendish people, 2021 (38.6 KiB)
Shadow Report on the Situation of the Sorbian/Wendish Nation in Germany (for the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities), 2021 (641.2 KiB)
Serbski Sejm elections 2018_synopsis (300.3 KiB)
Petition to the Brandenburg and Saxon state parliaments: Self-determination now! - Establishment of a democratically legitimised people's representation of the Sorbs/Wends - Serbski Sejm, 2017 (64.0 KiB)
Final Report of the Working Group on "Public Coproration" chaired by the Federal Ministry of the Interior - Summary, 2011 (1.1 MiB)