Serbske ludowe zastupnistwo
Sorbische/wendische Volksvertretung
Sorbian/Wendish People’s Representation

Counting of votes for the election of the 2nd Serbski Sejm

On 8 March, the votes cast for the election of the 2nd Serbski Sejm were publicly counted in Nebelschütz under the direction of the election commission.

On 12 May 2024, the electoral officer called on the Sorbian/Wendish people to vote. On 10 December 2024, the election commission announced the names of the 39 candidates and began sending out the election documents. Voters were able to cast their votes until 6 March 2025. The election was conducted exclusively by postal vote.

The election officer Siegfried Kühn and the deputy election officer Marlis Pjacec announced the provisional results. This is available at In accordance with the election regulations, which can also be downloaded there, 24 elected members of Serbski Sejm and the successors have been determined and will now be notified by the election officer.

Tomaš Čornak, spokesman for the election committee that organised the election, on the result: ‘The successful conduct of the elections is cause for celebration. 1,006 people were registered on the electoral roll upon application. 762 have returned the ballot papers sent to them.

The Serbski Sejm can build on stable support among the Sorbian/Wendish people. Even though the number of voters was slightly lower than for the election of the first Serbski Sejm in 2018, it is clear that there is a core electorate who want free elections for representation of the Sorbian people and who, despite many remaining obstacles and unresolved issues, once again showed the courage and commitment to stand up for a more self-determined future for the Sorbian/Wendish people.

Regardless of the political direction that the new deputies will give the second Serbski Sejm, the aim is to achieve a higher turnout in the next elections. We are already calling on all individuals, associations, organisations and institutions to cooperate constructively with the new Serbski Sejm for the benefit of our people and all Lusatians.

On behalf of the Serbski Sejm, I would like to thank the members of the election commission Siegfried Kühn, Marlis Pjacec, Betina Kralowa, Anne Lindner and Domenico Gruhn, who have made this democratic election of the Sorbian/Wendish parliament possible with great commitment and a lot of time spent entirely on a voluntary basis!

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