Serbske ludowe zastupnistwo
Sorbische/wendische Volksvertretung
Sorbian/Wendish People’s Representation

Election of the 2nd Serbski Sejm has begun

On 12 May, the call for elections to the 2nd Serbski Sejm was announced in Běła Woda/Weißwasser by the previously appointed election commission.

The members of the election commission are Siegfried Kühn as election officer and Marlis Piacec/Piatza as deputy, as well as Bettina Kralowa/Krahl, Anne Lindner, Domenico Gruhn and Norbert Šefrich/Schäfrig.

Voters can register from now until 16 January 2025. Candidates can be nominated until 11 October 2024. Postal voting documents will be sent out from then on. The public vote count will take place on 25 January 2025. The 2nd Serbski Sejm will be constituted on 8 February 2025.

Further information, e.g. on the right to vote and stand for election, can be found in the enclosed flyer. It also contains a registration form. Alternatively, you can register online at and view the election regulations.

The election call was accompanied by a cheerful family party and a live concert on the evening before.

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