Serbske ludowe zastupnistwo
Sorbische/wendische Volksvertretung
Sorbian/Wendish People’s Representation

Future concept for the Sorbian/Wendish education system is to be developed

Following the invitation of the Committee on Education of the Serbski Sejm, about 20 representatives of various institutions active in Sorbian/Wendish education, teachers and committed private persons met in Bautzen/Budyšin and via video conference on October 27. The topic was the development of a concept for a Sorbian/Wendish education system that pays more attention to its own interests or is self-determined.

Měrćin Krawc presented a project proposal developed in advance and reported on experiences from the excursion to East Belgium. In the guest contribution of the writer and publicist Křesćan Krawc, which was presented by Měrćin Wałda, reference was made to historical, partly painful experiences during the restructuring of the education system after the political change in 1989. Jan Nuk also painted a skeptical picture. Further impulse contributions followed. In the discussion - which was led by Christiana Piniekowa - earlier studies and expert opinions were recalled, e.g. the final report of the working group "Corporation under Public Law" from 2011, which was led by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and had already discussed various structures for a more effective and self-determined Sorbian/Wendish education system.

It was critically seen that both these and proposals from educational-practical investigations and educational-political discourses have received little attention and have thus far resulted in too few changes and improvements in the sense of a sustainable and prosperous development of our languages in all generations.

Therefore, it shall be proposed to the Foundation for the Sorbian People to finance an expert opinion that shows structurally sustainable solutions for a flourishing education up to the implementation of an educational autonomy, i.e. a self-determined educational system. In doing so, taking into account the proposals from the existing studies and the educational structures of European neighbors and through the active participation of a Sorbian/Wendish citizens' advisory council, different variants are to be developed in order to make knowledge-based decisions for the future by the Sorbian/Wendish stakeholders.

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