SPD candidate Kathrin Michel finds out about ideas for a successful Sorbs policy by means of cultural and educational autonomy
On Thursday, 23 September, SPD candidate for the Bundestag Kathrin Michel, visited representatives of the Serbski Sejm in Nebelschütz. After a tour of the village and a visit to the kindergarten named after the Sorbian freedom fighter Jan Skala, she was informed about the concrete ideas of the Serbski Sejm for a successful Sorbs policy by means of cultural and educational autonomy, which should be agreed in a new state treaty, as well as about the background of state, federal and international law.
The Sejm members Tomaš Čornak, Christine Ruby, Ignaz Wjesela and Měrćin Krawc/Martin Schneider asked the candidate, if elected, to take the Sejm proposals to parliament, to the government and to the committee work and to support the talks of the Serbski Sejm with the government representatives.